Scientific Knowledge has to be explored, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes

About us


Stechnolock Archives of Earth and Environment Sciences (AEES) desires to gather all the information in relation to the interaction between humans, natural resources, or unique geographic zones, with emphasis on the solid earth.

The papers published in the AEES can fall under the same roof of platform including various competing subjects that combines science and technology. Archives of Earth and Environment Sciences also publishes interactions of living systems with ecosystems and the earth. It maintains the quality by broadcasting research papers that have significance in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Our main aim is to bring all the significant, enduring research data to worldwide scholars.

Stechnolock Archives of Earth and Environment Sciences (AEES) welcomes all novel research works that promote and describe the procedures that help the scientists, professors, and other research community people to enrich their knowledge related to their subject. AEES accepts original works, reviews, short communications, mini-reviews, etc., which keep the readers updated with all the advances in the relevant field. AEES assures authors to provide rapid peer-reviewing by experienced professional Editorial Board members.

Our mission

It is a known fact that 90% of the research from all over the world does not have any kind of funding support and the research is being done by authors own funding and it is very difficult to pay higher article processing charges to the open access publishers. However, it is true that a publisher has to spend a lot of money to maintain the staff, servers and all standards of publishing even after an article is published. Our mission is to provide valuable research outputs on the digital open-access online platform and also to spread scientific knowledge throughout the world without keeping the much financial burden on authors. We work on our unique ways to compensate the higher publication costs.

The journal strongly encourages authentic investigations. The papers may include diverse aspects and distinct methodologies. Our motive is to assure the distribution of innovative developments and thought provoking research to the scientific community and to a diversity of learning. The essential criteria in the selection process are mainly engrossed on the benefaction to the area of learning, development of human kind and interventions.
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An inspirited and avid Editor is very crucial for the successful development of a journal. The major role of a journal editor is to increase the number of quality papers submitted in the specialist field associated with the journal, whilst also promoting the journal as the best journal to publish in.
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Reviewers play a significant role in producing an effective paper for any journal. Their contribution benefits all, authors, editors, and readers.
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