Stechnolock Journal of Dentistry (SJD) aims to disseminate original peer-reviewed articles on the novel research findings, techniques, dental materials, inspiring new methods and pathways to deal with the problems and diseases that could cover relevant information related to dental implants, orthodontics, endodontology, oral hygiene, oral health, oral cancers, oral pathology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, as well as their causes and effective therapies, etc.
SJD covers all the aspects that come under the following but is not limited to it:
- Advanced Bleeding Gums
- Basic Dentistry
- Coronal Fracture
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Current Concepts in Oral Health
- Clinical Dentistry
- Conservative Dentistry
- Dental and Oral Abnormalities
- Dental and Oral Health
- Dental Anesthesia and Sedation
- Dental Implants
- Dental Instruments
- Dental Laboratory Technology
- Dental Materials
- Dental Plaque
- Dental Radiology
- Dental Restoration
- Dental Traumatology
- Dentistry and Diabetes
- Endodontics
- Fixed and Removable Dental Implants
- Forensic Odontology
- Geriatric Dentistry
- Gum Cancer
- Gum Infection
- Hypnodontics
- Investigational Dentistry
- Laser Dentistry
- Minimal Intervention Dentistry
- Occlusal Splint
- Oral Hygiene
- Oral Surgery
- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- Mouth cancer
- Maxillofacial Radiology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral Biology
- Oral Biosciences
- Operative Dentistry
- Oral Cancer
- Oral Epidemiology
- Preventive Dentistry
- Oral Health and Other Diseases
- Oral Implantology
- Oral Leukoplakia
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Rehabilitation
- Orofacial Pain
- Oral Microbiology
- Orthodentistry
- Orofacial Myology
- Dentofacial Research
- Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Primary Dental Care
- Periodentistry
- Periodontology
- Prosthodontics
- Robotic in Dentistry
- Risk Management Modules
- Restorative Dentistry
- Root Canal Treatment
- Root End Surgery
- Special Care Dentistry
- Tooth Bleaching
- Xerostomia